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my goal is to display a datetime in the format hours:minutes in a tree view.

I first tried to format my datetime directly in the XML but without success.

Then, I decided to create a new field in my model :

heure_debut = fields.Char(string="Test"compute="_compute_jour")

I defined its value in the following function :

    def _compute_jour(self):
        for meeting in self:
            if meeting.start:
                meeting.heure_debut = meeting.start.time().strftime("%H:%M")

The problem I have is that the string has a difference of one hour with the datetime

For example I have this :

Datetime                                    Test

22/02/2021 01:00:00                  00:00

22/02/2021 04:00:00                 03:00   

I think it comes from the timezone but I don't understand how I can include the timezone in the code to obtain the correct string. I could just add an hour to the datetime but I think I will have problems with the time change.

Thank you
