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Who is in charge of validating the timesheet sheets and how do we select this person ?

My initial guess was that validation requests sent by one user would go the the manager of that user, as defined in the human resources parameters but from my tests, validation request go to the admin account. I do not see the logic for that and would like to change this.

Thank you




Best Answer

Settings-> Technical -> Action -> window Action and search "Timesheets to Validate" then edit the data

just enter the below line in "Domain value" field


Approval stage timesheets are shown only his/her managers only


Best Answer

How to do it in Odoo 10 ?

Best Answer

Anyone with the hr manager rights can approve validation requests. Look up the appropriate rights on the user profile.

Best Answer

In my test case the time sheet Not only go to admin account. It's goto all the users who have manager access rights to project. Every user who can have "Project" "manager" access rights, can see the all the time sheets from the menu Human resource -> Time tracking -> Time sheet to validate, and also can approve. Please let me know if you get the answer for "Why openerp showing timesheet of one project to all the managers instead of showing only that project manager "

Author Best Answer

Thanks for the feedback

Timesheets are specific to users, who can get involved in several projects, and not to projects. Validation can thus not be done by one project manager in particular (and having all project managers able to validate all the timesheets may make senses in a 3 persons company but in a real & bigger company, it probably starts to be a mess&nightmare).

On the contrary, users only have one manager defined in Human Resources > Employee> Manager

This is the one (at least in my case) who should be in charge of validating the timesheets of the employees he is in charge of.

A possibility may be to filter the validation tasks on tha manager side so he only see the one he is in charge of. I will investigate in that direction but it will remain a poor solution as ideal case would be that validation go toward a defined person that vary from one user to the others and that this person get notified by e.mail when new timesheets to validate are received



I agree that it is only usable in a limited situation in the real world. I can only help you until this point.