Hi, i am a newbie in odoo programming. I got this warning when creating a One2many field relation, where I took the data from the Many2one
field in the same model.
Here is my custom code:
class ReferInherit(models.Model):
_inherit = 'qc.inspection'
reference_line = fields.One2many('qc.inspection', 'picking', readonly=False, store=True)
and I took the data from here:
class QcInspection(models.Model):
_inherit = 'qc.inspection'
def _compute_picking(self):
for inspection in self:
inspection.picking = False
if inspection.object_id:
if inspection.object_id._name == 'stock.move':
inspection.picking = inspection.object_id.picking_id
elif inspection.object_id._name == 'stock.picking':
inspection.picking = inspection.object_id
elif inspection.object_id._name == 'stock.pack.operation':
inspection.picking = inspection.object_id.picking_id
picking = fields.Many2one(comodel_name="stock.picking", compute="_compute_picking", store=True)
When I run it, I got this Warning:
The operation cannot be completed: another model requires the record being deleted. If possible, archive it instead.
Model: Quality control inspection (qc.inspection), Constraint: qc_inspection_picking_fkey
what's wrong with my code? and how to solve it? Sorry for my bad english and Thanks before.
Hi, Kanakinfosystems
Thanks for your answer.
This is very helpful. Your answer is so inspiring for me. Thanks a lot:)