I am adding some monetary amounts to the Stock.Picking / Stock.Move reports.
I get the following error:
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/openerp/addons/base/ir/ir_qweb.py", line 1001, in _format precision = int(round(math.log10(display.rounding))) QWebException: 'int' object has no attribute 'rounding'While trying:
<span class="text-right" t-esc="move.order_price" t-esc-options="{"widget": "monetary", "display_currency": "1"}"/>
move.order_price has been added to the model and it is basically sale order line's price_subtotal; while move is the iteration over stock moves in the qweb report
Note that as I am not in invoice or sale order I lack currency_id and therefore I am hardcoding "1" Euro to the report.
class StockMove(models.Model):
_inherit = 'stock.move'
order_price = fields.Float(string="Purchase subtotal", related='purchase_line_id.price_subtotal')
Any help is really welcomed,