Hi guys,
I am building mobile app for the invoice module. So when the invoice has state of "Open", and I click on "Register Payment" --> it shows a new payment form --> and then I click to validate button --> it changes the Invoice status to "Paid".
So as I read the code --> when it opens a new form of Register Payment --> the context use the active_id of the current invoice for this payment. And then when I press button Validate, it creates new payment record and validate.
In the view of external API using XML-RPC, what should I do to present this logic?
One solution that I think of: When pushing the Validate button on mobile phone --> I will two request sequently: 1st one is to create new record of payment, 2nd one is to validate the payment. But it fails, because the response of the 1st one return "True", I don't know the payment record id to ask the server to validate it.
Odoo version: 11.0 community.