When i call on a survey object the copy method it is correctly duplicating the whole object tree. But there is one big problem.
The survey title gets overwrited with the original title appended wtih (copy) word. It is very annoying because i cannto override it. It is allways saved into database table with the original title appended with "(copy)".
Worse the title field is translateable.
So when i do the following code:
newsurvey = survey.copy()
newsurvey.write({'title': 'New title for new survey'})
Then i see the 'New title for new survey' in the survey list or form BUT in the database table there is 'original Title (copy)'
When i switch language in the backend or frontend, i lost my 'New title for new survey' data nad getting back 'original title (copy)'
It is very annoying, how i can get rid of this copy 'feature' and make sure that my title names will remain in survey