Hello there, I am gonna try to state my question as simple as possible. I want to setup odoo for a pub. This pub has beers on tap and 2 available glasses, glass A is 500ML, and glass B is 330ML. I found out by using variants I can create one variant called "glass size" and add the 2 values mentioned before. I can even setup different prices for the variants which is what I wanted. BUT I see in the POS that the variants are treated as different products, and not as one product with 2 options (which is what I was intending to do). This is not a big deal, the real problem is the following:
I want to track how much beer I am selling. Lets say I have one 30-litter barrel. If I sell 3 "A" glasses (500ML) of this beer, then I should have 28,5 litters left in my inventory. Is there a way I can make it work? Thank you very much!
(I am currently using the trial version online and I am about to use the latest community edition for production)
This is an interesting approach, thank you! It might not be exactly what I what I was looking for but it is pretty close. I will try to make it work! Thank you again!
I did use 2 product templates instead of 2 product variants, because I had to show both on different places on the web shop (one by the glass in the category "Wine by the glass" and the bottle in the regular category "White Wine/Switzerland"), see http://www.restaurant-roessli.ch/en_US/shop/category/winelist-17
I do not want to use WebShop, only POS inside the store. Can I track the litters consumed using your way?
In that case you could use one product template ("Mythos Beer") and setup the corresponding variants with the BoM. If properly set up, you can track the remaining liters in your barrel.
I have done exactly what I wanted with your method. I really appreciate your help! One last question though, is there a way to automate this process or make it more simple because there are 12 taps and we change them every 2-3 days?
Unfortunately not out of the box. It needs the development of a module.