I have a a standard confirguration of odoo v13 and i am working with the standard database with all furnitures that you can see in tutorials so i did not touch anything.
In the inventory product, the category routes are well set up with receive in 2 steps and deliver in 2 steps.
When i sell a product, the rules is ok with pull from WH/stock - WH/out and the, WH/output -> patner locations. I am very happy and it is work.
When i Buy this product, there is only 1 rule and the rules is wh/input-> WH/stock so there is only 1 receits and not 2 steps.
My question is: I would like to have 2 receipts to validate to the following workflow from Partner location -> Wh/input and the WH/input to WH/stock.
I hope someone will help me.