can anybody help me or provide the complete steps of creating module in odoo 11 using eclipse latest version. because usually you just put the folder to eclipse-workspace and restart the module using terminal. odoo 11 is completely different. can anyone help me
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Regardless of your IDE, creating module is not different from IDE to another and you should create your new module in the addons folder in Odoo 11 folder.
The below standard structure should be followed:
my_module ├── ├── ├── controllers │ ├── │ └── ├── demo │ └── demo.xml ├── models │ ├── │ └── ├── security │ └── ir.model.access.csv └── views ├── templates.xml └── views.xml
You can use scaffold to create the above structure automatically:
Here you are the link for creating module:
The difference when you are using IDE like pycharm of eclips you can start/stop/restart the odoo service from the IDE.
i will give you best example. let say i want to edit the account module. how it would be in eclipse?
There is step by step guide to creating a new module from scratch
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Creating module in odoo:
Module Structure: