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Hi everyone !

For a customer, i'd like to add a new measure to the timesheet analysis report.

Here is the code i use in the python report:

quantity_days = fields.Float('Days', readonly=True)

def _select(self):
select_str = super(HrTimesheetReport, self)._select()

return "%s, %s" % (select_str,
'sum(aal.unit_amount)/4 as quantity_days')

Using this, i can now use the measure "Days" on the report view.

I'd like that measure to be used by default, but i cannot find a way to achieve this... I tried inheriting the action leading to that report:

<record id="hr_timesheet.action_hr_timesheet_report_stat_all" model="ir.actions.act_window">
<field name="context">{'measures': ['quantity_days']}</field>

But this doesnt work either (but if i add "'group_by': ['department_id']," into the context, then it is grouped by department, meaning the context is used as intended.

So, how can i achieve this? Thank you :)

Author Best Answer

Nevermind, i finally found it by looking at the javascript code in pivot.js. 

I add to use 'pivot_measures' in my context (which is used only once in odoo v9 :D)

<field name="context">{'pivot_measures': ['quantity_days']}</field>