I have code for a statusbar and it is working but not as I expect:
.py code:
state = fields.Selection({('new','New'), ('open','In Progress'), ('closed','Closed')}, "Status")
.xml code:
<field name="state" widget="statusbar" statusbar_visible="new,open,closed" clickable="True"/>
problem 1:
Even though I have specified in the XML code to show new, open and closed, it shows in the order open, new, closed in Odoo. How do I fix this?
problem 2:
It is on the top left corner of the screen, how do I get it to the top right where most status bars are?
Found another issue I can't find information on. How do I get the created tickets to default to new when saved?
Ankit Thank you.. Problem 1 sorted. status bar is now on the left side. Problem 2: how do I get them in order new, inprogress, closed and Problem 3: how can I get it to default to new when create is clicked