I'm trying to change the ouput of items in a Many2one field. By items
I mean the displayed values in the generated select box.
My field
company_contact_id = fields.Many2one('res.partner', string='Company contact', required=False, ondelete='restrict')
Currently the output looks like this
Last_name First_name
And I want to change the order
First_name Last_name
I tried to do this using a compute method in my field declaration
def _compute_company_contact_id_name(self):
if self.company_contact_id :
self.company_contact_id = u'%s %s'.format(
self.company_contact_id.name )
After that the field is not displayed anymore.
What is the correct way to do this ?
write a name_get function for the res.partner and try to return the value in required format.