How can i Make the Website, of the Website Builder to integrate additional js? For instance: respond.js
With the help of Luke respond.js is now loaded in the website. But all browsertests give negaive results. Seems there is no help to support IE8 with an odoo website.
Put the required js into addons/web/static/src/js/example.js
Settings->Technical->User Interface->Views->web.assets_common
<?xml version="1.0"?> <t t-name="web.assets_common">
<script type="text/javascript" src="/web/static/src/js/example.js"/>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/web/static/lib/es5-shim/es5-shim.min.js"/>
Hi Tobias, I suggest you take a look at the theme structure of theme_clean and theme_zen are currently working in 8.0 RC1 and may give you an idea on how to package a custom theme with additional js, css, xhtml or anything else you require.
Hi Luke I inserted the call for the script into layout of the zen theme and copied Respond.js into lib. It was installed without no problem. But I do not find a difference in behavior. How do I find out if the script was loaded? The two answers under your comment didnt work for me. The direct insertion into the website was prevented by the openerp code check before save. Thanks.
If you want to have a look: I want wo solve IE8 look.
Hi Tobias, From my understanding you should be able to do the following: 1) copy your js files into: /theme_zen/static/js/ 2) install theme_zen and then go to frontend/Website and click the 'customize' drop down menu at the top left of the admin nav bar and choose change theme. Change theme to one of the Zen Themes. I chose Zen White 3) click the 'customize' drop down menu at the top left of the admin nav bar and click the HTML Editor 4) Choose the Main Layout option from the list of editable pages in the HTML Editor and insert this line in between the
tags as you would in HTML. Please note though that this is strictly XHTML so you must use a self-closed tag. This is what I used: Save and refresh and view source in your browser. You'll see your script has been included into your HTML on all pages. These steps were done on the latest pull of 8.0 (RC1) and worked without issue for me. You can pull in custom css, scripts, and other elements in a similar manner to customise your theme. In regards to respond.js I have never used the script and am unfamiliar with how it is implemented, however if you have implemented it in a HTML-only website you should find that the process is very similar. I'd request that you post back here with what you discover as it sounds like it would be a useful implementation for backwards compatibility for older browsers.I am currently porting a HTML-only theme to Odoo 8.0 that contains respond.js. I'll post back here if I find anything of use in regards to it's implementation.
Hi Luke I did your steps 1-4 and it works. The script is in the source code of the page. So the question above is solved. I did not call the script from the html editing, but in Settings->Technical->User Interface->Views->web.assets_common in the db. There are the relevant js listed. Thanks to GPT for the hint in the right direction. But my IE8 problem wasent solved by the insertion of the script, so thats a little bit disappointing for me ;-)
Hi Tobias, I'm currently working on porting a theme that makes use of respond.js with a bootstrap template. I suspect that the issue has something to do with the HTML comments that are being used are somehow being sanitised by the HTML editor as i'm not able to see them when I view the html source output. Here's a snippet from what I am currently using: I have also read on stackexchange that for IE 8 the respond.js must be stored locally and cannot be served from a CDN or external source. It is likely irrelevant as you are including it locally, however I have mentioned it for the benefit of anyone else reading this thread. I'll be running some tests over the weekend if I have time and will post back here once i've found a solution.
Hi Tobias, Can't add code snippets into the comments, i'll create an answer instead so formatting stays intact.
Hi Luke Can you please add, where you insert te code snippet you added in your answer? So its easy to copy. Thank You very much for your help.
Hi Tobias, I've added some basic instructions regarding modifying the theme_clean module here: I am still working through adding all elements of my custom bootstrap theme (which includes respond.js) and will post an update here once I have run some tests of my own on including respond.js in an Odoo theme.
Hi Luke Thanks for coming back here. I saw your other post already. Looking forward to your theme.