I've been trying to configure OpenERP to automatically assign Customers (res.partner) Fiscal Position value based on their location. I've tried with Automated Action Rules (base_action_rule) module, however without success. Perhaps I've miss-configured them, or maybe it's entirely impossible to do this automation using Automated Action Rules.
Here is what I did:
Related Document Model: res.partner
Before Update Filter - domain:[['customer', '=', 1], ['country_id', '!=', 'United States'], ['property_account_position', '!=', 'Tax Exempt']]
After Update Filter - domain:[['customer', '=', 1], ['country_id', '!=', 'United States'], ['property_account_position', '=', 'Tax Exempt']]
server action: Condition: True, Object: res.partner, Action Type: Write, Model: res.partner, Field: Fiscal Position - Value - account.fiscal.position,2
Is there a non-programmatic way (by that I mean not creating a module or otherwise altering the code of the application) of doing this?