class A has a One2many field Wproductlist which points to Class B. i want to update the quantity field of stock.quant class by subtracting quantity_needed field of classB. how can i acheive this. I tried the below code, but it shows singeton error when the class B has multiple records.
class A wproductlist = fields.One2many(comodel_name="class a", inverse_name="ppp", string="Product List") api.multi def update d = self.env['stock.quant'].search([('product_id', '=', self.wproductlist.productname)]) for record in d: record.write({'quantity':quantity'}) class B _name = "classa" productname = fields.Char(string="Product Name") quantity = fields.Char(string="Product Available"
@sudhir arya : partially worked brother.. Now singelton error vanishes but how to include the quantity filed in the write function
Brother, that depends on your logic. You have to think about your object structure and business logic.