Hi there,
I am trying to briefly test the performance of the ORM queries with the database.
There is little data in my database, but I can still do whatever tests I want.
However, I encounter an inconsistency regarding the first results of these tests...
Here is a simple random request directly executed on the postgres console:
$> EXPLAIN ANALYSE SELECT * FROM account_move_line WHERE amount_residual = 0 AND company_id = 1;
Seq Scan on account_move_line (cost=0.00..136.25 rows=2877 width=385) (actual time=0.025..2.856 rows=2877 loops=1)
Filter: ((amount_residual = '0'::numeric) AND (company_id = 1))
Rows Removed by Filter: 273
Planning time: 0.417 ms
Execution time: 3.253 ms
(5 rows)
As you can see, the request takes less than 4 milliseconds.
So, I decided to test this request directly in my code with the ORM:
# ORM #
start_time = datetime.datetime.now()
# Execute the request 100 times (to average)
for i in range(100):
request = self.env['account.move.line'].search([('amount_residual', '=', 0), ('company_id', '=', 1)])
end_time = datetime.datetime.now()
# Difference
delta = end_time - start_time
# Average
execution_time = delta.total_seconds() * 1000 / 100
print("Time ORM: " + str(execution_time) + " ms (" + str(len(request)) + ")")
Here is the result:
Time ORM: 4.57849 ms (2878 items)
Ok, great, not so far from our first request on the postgres console.
After that, I decided to test directly with the cursor, with always the same random request:
# CR #
start_time = datetime.datetime.now()
# Execute the request 100 times (to average)
for i in range(100):
self.env.cr.execute("SELECT * FROM account_move_line WHERE amount_residual = 0 AND company_id = 1")
#request = self.env.cr.fetchall() <= no fetchall for the moment
end_time = datetime.datetime.now()
# Calculate the difference between the two times
delta = end_time - start_time
# Calculate the average
execution_time = delta.total_seconds() * 1000 / 100
print("Time CR: " + str(execution_time) + " ms")
And the result is :
Time CR: 17.0679 ms
Here is the point!
The cursor is supposed to be much faster than the ORM, not the other way around, right?
So, do you think I am performing this test the right way? Do you have any suggestions, ideas or information that explains this result?
I know the latest versions of Odoo improve performance, but I am still and need to do these tests on version 9.0.
Thank you in advance for your answers.