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2 Replies

Dear All, Please let me know, how to display, A Tree view (which is able to add new lines) inside a notebook page. Like, in purchase requisition we add the products to be purchased, as line by line. Im using V7.

Please help.

Best Answer

Hi Gurudev,

You can add tree view inside page like this,

<record id="form_id" model="ir.ui.view">
    <field name="name">object.object.form</field>
    <field name="model">object.object</field>
    <field name="arch" type="xml">
        <form string="Form String" version="7.0">
            <div class="oe_title">
                <page string="Page String">
                    <field name="one2many_field">
                        <tree string="Tree String">
                            <field name="name"/>
                            <field name="date_planned"/>
                            <field name="price_subtotal"/>

Dear keyur, """<field name="one2many_field"> <tree string="Tree String"> <field name="name"/> <field name="date_planned"/> <field name="price_subtotal"/> </tree> </field>"""

this "one2many_field" is from different model, right? Is it necessary that, that model should contain a view?(or a tree view?)

The model should contain a view. Because model's view is considered everywhere wherever you use that model as one2many or many2many if you don't specify inline view. If you don't want to make view then you have to make inline view for that model as I mentioned in above answer.

How can i group this tree by combo_name and expiry_date?

Below I giving image of my tree-view

Author Best Answer

Dear Keyur, Thank you for the reply. I need to have an extra notebook_PAGE in hr_employee. The new page is to Store some extra data, which has to be added frequently(may be twice in a month).

For that, I created a new module say, hr_extended. In that I inherited the hr_employee. And in the view file, added the my new Page, aslo. That all worked fine.

Now, what I want is. The data which I want to store should come as a table view under the new Page. So that I can see the previous datas also. To capture the new data, a new model should be created right? like sale_order_lines comes in slae_order. But, how to display this new model's data in my hr_extended module? Awaiting your reply..


You can make one2many field under your page and add in the view you want. one2many field will show you data in tabular format.


Im new to programming, Please let me know.. how to put, many2one.

Suppose my datas to be stored are..

[model is operator.code] _columns = { 'code' : fields.char('Operator Code', size=32,required=True) 'reg_date':'Registered On') 'note': char('Notes', size=32) }

..And, I want to take them into my hr_extended module..that means, I want to connect it via a

'op_code' : fields.one2many('operator.code', '?', '?'),

How to do this?

I hope you get the answer of the question you posted here. For new questions I suggest you to make a new post otherwise this posted question will become messy.


Ok.. Mean time, please let me know, how to add code in Questions and comments :)


Thank you Keyur, It worked.. :)

Great. Keep it up :)