I want to show the public holiday include in a periode of a project in the timeline view of the project dashboard,
First I got the list of holidays include in each project, here my function:
@api.depends('date_start', 'date') def get_holiday(self): if self.resource_calendar_id: for leave_ids in self.env['resource.calendar.leaves'].search([ ('calendar_id', '=', self.resource_calendar_id.name), ]): # datetime to date date_from = leave_ids.date_from.date() date_to = leave_ids.date_to.date() Range = namedtuple('Range', ['start', 'end']) r1 = Range(start=self.date_start, end=self.date) r2 = Range(start=date_from, end=date_to) latest_start = max(r1.start, r2.start) earliest_end = min(r1.end, r2.end) overlap = (earliest_end - latest_start).days + 1 overlapping_dates = [] if overlap > 0: overlapping_dates = range(latest_start.toordinal(), earliest_end.toordinal() + 1) overlapping_dates = [date.fromordinal(x) for x in overlapping_dates]
Now i've to call my function from javascript to show the result(public holiday) in the timeline view with deferent colors, How can i do that ?
Exemple: 01/01/2020 is public holiday, like this:
Check that link may be it can help you