I would like to know if it's possible to show, in the website created by Odoo, information that I have stored in Odoo.
For example, if I want to list my customers, how can I do that?
Odoo is the world's easiest all-in-one management software.
It includes hundreds of business apps:
I would like to know if it's possible to show, in the website created by Odoo, information that I have stored in Odoo.
For example, if I want to list my customers, how can I do that?
Create an action server (model ir.actions.actions, check available on the website, add website path (eg: jke))
admin_ids = pool['res.partner'].search(cr, 1, [('name', 'ilike', 'agro')], context=context)
backend_ids = pool['res.partner'].browse(cr, 1, admin_ids, context=context)
values = { 'partners': backend_ids, }
response = request.render("website.my_template", values)
Create a sample view (xmlid = website.my_template)
<t name="Sample Template" t-name="website.my_template">
<t t-call="website.layout">
<p t-if="not partners">No result found</p>
<t t-foreach="partners" t-as="partner">
<span t-field="partner.display_name"/>
Now, you can go on yourwebsite.com/website/action/jke
Good luck
Amendment to my answer:
If you want to know, what you can do out of the box using the website builder, try the website builder and check these apps: https://apps.openerp.com/apps/modules?series=8.0&search=website. You should also check the themes and its building blocks: https://apps.openerp.com/apps/themes .
If you want to build websites yourself using any kind of odoo data, read the doc: http://odoo-80.readthedocs.org/en/latest/howtos/backend.html. HTH
Hello Erwin.
Thanks for the information, but the customers listing was just something illustrative.
As the website is connected with the rest of Odoo, is it possible to create a webpage with any information from Odoo? For example, in Microsoft Access you can create reports where you select which elements you want to show, which others use to filter the information, and so on. Is this possible in Odoo?
I've seen that you can create reports in Odoo (https://doc.odoo.com/v6.1/book/8/8_20_Config/8_20_Config_reports/), but I just want to show some info from Odoo into its website.
Hello, You can create controller which render any data from backend into front end ! Take a look at existing module :)
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