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3 Replies

Hi, Can i show only selected records in a one2many field using a domain, I have tried this

<field name="func_details_inno" nolabel="1" context="{'functional_dep' : 'Innovation'}" domain="[('functional_dep','=','Innovation')]">

where func_details_inno is a one2many field with functional_dep a char field in the model for func_details_inno

How can i do it?


You haven't closed the balise "/>". This is wanted ?


Yes this is wanted and intentional, i'm defining the tree view and the form view inside for the one2many field, something like <field name="func_details_inno" nolabel="1" context="{'functional_dep' : 'Innovation'}" domain="[('functional_dep','=','Innovation')]"><tree>...</tree><form>...</form></field>

This is what i was thinking, but now i'm sure. Can you, for clarify, put all the field in the question please ?


Its a bit long i have pastebinned the most relevant part of it and here is the link Hope that helps to solve the problem

Best Answer

Add :

<field name="functional_dep" invisible="True"/>

In the tree view of the "func_details_inno" field like that :

    <!-- <field name="activity">
    <field name="activities"/>
    <field name="person"/>
    <field name="start"/>
    <field name="end"/>
    </field> -->
    <field name="functional_dep" invisible="True"/>
    <field name="activity"/>
    <field name="yes"/>
    <field name="no"/>
    <field name="na"/>
    <field name="reason" />
    <field name="risks" />

Thanks for your reply but the problem is not that i want to hide a particular column, it can simply be achieved by not including the field in the tree view at all. The problem is i want to filter rows in the tree view and hence the requirement for using domains

Yes, but in my memories, if you want to filter on a field, you need to have this field in the tree view.


the functional_dep field is already there and it doesn't need to be invisible, i want to show only those rows which belong to a particular functional field, innovation in this case, there might be other records in the table which have some other functional_dep value

functional_dep field is not in the tree. (not in the code you post on pastebin)


oh sorry, i had added it later after posting it. but it doesn't help

Ok, can you post again your code on pastebin ? (To have the latest version)


yes sure, but theere aren't many big changes, here's the code

Best Answer

This post at Launchpad discusses the issue, but it doesn't make it clear whether it is really a bug or simply by design. I had the same issue and tried two possible solutions:

1) Change the field to many2many if you have control over the field types. Domain filtering works fine with m2m fields, or

2) Follow this post by Andreas Brueckl that shows a way to do o2m filtering with a functional field and its fnct_inv parameter

They both worked, but converting relationships that clearly should be o2m to m2m just to get access to filtering functionality feels a bit wrong, so I ended up using solution #2.

Best Answer

class one2many_mod2(fields.one2many):

def get(self, cr, obj, ids, name, user=None, offset=0, context=None, values=None):
    if context is None:
        context = {}
    if not values:
        values = {}
    res = {}
    for id in ids:
        res[id] = []
    ids2 = obj.pool.get(self._obj).search(cr, user, [(self._fields_id,'in',ids),('state', '=', 'open')], limit=self._limit)
    for r in obj.pool.get(self._obj)._read_flat(cr, user, ids2, [self._fields_id], context=context, load='_classic_write'):
        res[r[self._fields_id]].append( r['id'] )
    return res

class res_partner(osv.osv):

_inherit = 'res.partner'
_columns = {
    'partner_scheduled_calls': one2many_mod2('crm.phonecall', 'partner_id', 'Scheduled Calls', ),


this will filter the scheduled calls(('state', '=', 'open')) only from all call logs.

Hope this will help
