I created a report for contracts, and I'm showing it in the client_print_multi menu.
How could I restrict the conditions for showing it? Eg. for some companies only: I tried adding a domain but the link is still always visible.
Here is the report link definition, referring to a report defined in the same XML with ID "areoo_agreement": here I'm unsuccessfully trying to show the link for all companies but the first one.
<field eval="'action'" name="key"/>
<field eval="'client_print_multi'" name="key2"/>
<field eval="['account.analytic.account']" name="models"/>
<field name="name">Agreement Report</field>
<field eval="'ir.actions.report.xml,'+str(aeroo_agreement)" name="value"/>
<field eval="True" name="isobject"/>
<field eval="True" name="replace"/>
<field name="domain">[('company_id', '!=', 1)]</field>