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from odoo import api, models
import datetime

class CategoryReportXls(models.AbstractModel):
_name = 'report.category_inventory_report.category_wise_report_xls'
_inherit = 'report.report_xlsx.abstract'

def generate_xlsx_report(self, workbook, data, products):
domain = []
if data.get('date_from'):
domain.append(('create_date', '>=', data.get('date_from')))
if data.get('date_to'):
domain.append(('create_date', '<=', data.get('date_to')))
if data.get('categ_ids'):
domain.append(('categ_id', 'in', data.get('categ_ids')))

report_name = 'Category Wise Inventory Report'
sheet = workbook.add_worksheet(report_name)
bold = workbook.add_format({'bold': True})
title = workbook.add_format({'bold': True, 'align': 'center', 'font_size': 20})
sub_heading = workbook.add_format(
{'align': 'center', 'bold': True})
txt = workbook.add_format({'align': 'left'})
num = workbook.add_format({'align': 'right'})
head = workbook.add_format({'align': 'center', 'bold': True})
sheet.merge_range('A1:F1', 'Category Wise Inventory Report', title)
sheet.merge_range('B2:E2', 'Company Name' + ':' +, head)

products = self.env['product.template'].search(domain)
col = 0
row = 3
sheet.write(row, col, 'Category', sub_heading)
row = 3
col = 1
sheet.set_column(0, 0, 20)
sheet.set_column(1, 1, 35)
sheet.set_column(4, 4, 15)
sheet.set_column(5, 5, 15)

sheet.write(row, col, 'Product', sub_heading)
sheet.write(row, col + 1, 'Qty', sub_heading)
sheet.write(row, col + 2, 'Unit', sub_heading)
sheet.write(row, col + 3, 'Avrg. Unit Cost', sub_heading)
sheet.write(row, col + 4, 'Stock Value', sub_heading)
row += 2

total_subtotal = 0
for cat in data.get('categ_ids'):
cat_id = self.env['product.category'].search([('id', '=', cat)])
cat_subtotal = 0
for product in products:
if product.categ_id == cat_id:
# < !--
# for rec in products: -->
sheet.write(row, col,, txt)
sheet.write(row, col + 1, product.qty_available, num)
sheet.write(row, col + 2,, txt)
sheet.write(row, col + 3, product.avarage_cost, num)
sheet.write(row, col + 4, product.qty_available * product.avarage_cost, num)
total_subtotal = total_subtotal + product.qty_available * product.avarage_cost
cat_subtotal += product.qty_available * product.avarage_cost
row += 1
# sheet.write(row, col + 3, 'Category Total', bold)
# sheet.write(row, col + 4, '{:,.2f}'.format(cat_subtotal), bold)

# < !--
# if product.categ_id: -->
# row += 1

sheet.write(row, col + 3, 'Grand Total', bold)
sheet.write(row, col + 4, '{:,.2f}'.format(total_subtotal), bold)

How can I show Category total in the end of every category in excel report. Please help me 
