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Hi, How I can change the order in which the buttons appear in the area of shortcut buttons?.,Something like sequence is used?. Thanks

Best Answer

Every one wishes to do their work in a easier and efficient way.OpenERP 7 has made the menu navigation easier with the new user interface. But for a user, if he has made a sale order and need to view all the invoices in the system, he has to go to the main menu Invoicing and then select Customer Invoice / Supplier Invoice to view the invoice. It would be better to have a keyboard shortcut which help in easy navigation with the press of some buttons.Myself found a new module named web_key_shortcut which enables the user to define key shortcut for each menu item.
When the module is installed, there is a new menu created in the location Settings -> Web Shortcut -> WebShortcut Configuration.
Here we can add the shortcuts for each menuitems. When you click on “Add an item”, a new window appers where we can specify the menu and the shortcut for that menu. The menuitem that the user has access to will only be displayed in the list.
User can also specify the shortcut  from the active menu also. The is a new icon on the system tray which enables the user to specify the shortcut.
When the icon is pressed, a new prompt box appears where the user can enter the shortct keys. The shortcut will be created for the current active menu item.

When the menu shortcut are entered and the create button is pressed, the shortcut will be created for the current active menu. If a shortcut is defined for browser default shortcuts like Ctrl+P, the default browser shortcut will be overrided. Please refresh the OpenERP page for the shortcuts to take effect. Each user can specify his own shortcuts. The shortcut specified by one user wll only be applicable to that user.

Module can be downloaded from launchpad bzr branch lp:~r-launchpadzbeanz/zbeanz/web_addons.

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