Hello i am overwritting th template for sale.order and right now everything is ok, but i need to set my header, I understand that this function ike this:
<external_layout_header />
<My_Content />
<extrernal_layout_footer />
This is the method that i have understood, but this doesnt work fine, first the header have the property "company.logo" and this doesn't exist, for this i have replaced that with "company.logo_web". This is not trouble, but when i print my report, this doesn't call the header or the footer, and if I try to set the external_layout_header, this say that company.logo_web o company.logo doesn't exist and this is not functional with a base64/png that is the format for the image. And when i have tried change the source of report module for receive the image with this: --<img t-field="company.logo_web" t-field-options='{ "widget" : "image" }' />--
The trouble of put my logo image on my div "page" this have so many "margin-top" on the page.
If can someone say what can i do, please say me.