Please how can acheive this result, Thanks. To see the image clearly click on this link : http://imgur.com/a/LBWAo
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Please how can acheive this result, Thanks. To see the image clearly click on this link : http://imgur.com/a/LBWAo
have you tried with a related field??
it should work, some like
x_name_field = fields.Char(related="write_id")
Hello medmars,
You can create compute method.
le_reste = fields.Float(compute='compute_le_reste', store=True)
@api.depends('montant_octroy', 'montant_vignatte')
def compute_le_reste(self):
for rec in self:
rec.le_reste = rec.montant_octroy + rec.montant_vignatte
Still not getting the right anwser you can show hte image clealy here to understand right the requirement. thanks
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