First of all you have to enable the multi company feature from the settings, go to settings-> general settings, then click on "manage multi companies".
After enabling this feature, open the company form and create the needed companies .Go to Settings -> Users -> Companies,
Suppose let there be 3 companies,
* Your company
* Company1
* Company2.
Company 1 is set as the parent company of the company2.
This is how the parent and child companies are created and set.
Now we have to create users for this companies, go to Settings -> Users -> Users,
let there be three users,
* Administrator
* User 1
* User 2
For the user 1 . current company is set as Company 1 and in the allowed companies, company 1 and company 2 is also given as the company1 is parent of company2.
User 2...
Now we have to configure Chart of accounts for each company, for that go to Accounting -> Configuration -> Settings,
From here select company one by one and assign a chart of account and click the apply button.
Now we have to enable the multi Warehouse Feature,
For that go to Inventory -> Configuration -> Settings ,
Now go to users form view and make the user1 and user2 as manager in inventory. Then login to users account and navigate Inventory-> Configuration -> Warehouse Mangement -> Warehouse,
Now you can see the warehouse in the company name created or you can create a new warehouse for the company.