How to set up multiple views(all inherited from the same form view) for different user groups? For example, let's say that I have two user groups which are "customer", and "operator".
Both views are going to be inherited from a single form view. Following is the XML code for "customer" user group form view:
repair.order.inherit.form.customer repair.order 15
And when I try to add up a different inherited view for an another user group, there is a parsing error. This view is supposed to be used for user group "repairtest.group_repair_operator". What I'm trying to do is that when a user from "repairtest.group_repair_customer" user group wants to open a form, the form "view_form_repair_order_inherit_customer" should be opened. Same for the "Operator". Following is an example:
repair.order.inherit.form.operator repair.order 15
i seems view is not correctly copy and paste here.