I need to send a value from one form to another form via field to set a default value in a record that I am creating using a many2one field.
Imagine I have 3 models parking_space, driver and car. A driver owns cars and also owns parking spaces. A parking space has one owner and one car (for the sake of this example).
Now I am in the form of the parking_space and want to create a car using the field of this form. After clicking Create or Edit (in the car field) the car form pops and I want to have the owner field of this car set as the owner of the parking_space. So I guess I need to send the owner of the parking space via the car field using the context attribute but I can't get it working.
I have tried something like this:
<field name="car" context="{'default_owner_name':owner_name}" />
But the owner field in the car form is empty.
I also have tried sending a value via context and having the owner field in the car model with a default attribute that calls a method that checks the context to set the value of the field, something like this:
<field name="car" context="{'owner_id':owner_name.id}" />
owner_name= fields.Many2one('res.partner', 'Driver',required=True, default=_get_default_owner)
def _get_default_owner(self):
owner = None
if self.env.context.get('default_owner_id') != False:
owner_id= self.env.context.get('owner_id')
owner = self.env['res.partner'].search([('id', '=', owner_id)])
return owner
But the context has not my custom value. Can someone help me?
Thank you!