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Hi guys, hope you are doing well. So i have a custom model like this:

And what i want to do is, depending on the choice of the checkbox, sending the same email for that persons when you click in button "Avançar", for example, i select de "Seguradora 1" and "Seguradora 3" field, and, when i click in "Avançar", i want to send, automatically, an email with the text "testing sending an email with odoo" without the need to write that email, hope you guys can help me with some code or documentation, have a great day and appreciate your time! 


You can make your model inherit from 'mail.thread' and use its message_post method to send your emails to different partners. Those selectable names in your screen shot should be partners, so you can pass their ids to the message_post.

To call the message_post you need to have an action method in your model that connect to the form button by their names.

And make sure that your partners are receiving their notification by email.

I have been trying to understand odoo email workflow, and when encountered your question I use it as an exercise, you can check what I explained above here:

I can't post an answer, do you have any idea why?


But I'm supposed to send an email outside of odoo, that is, odoo sends an email when I press the "Avançar" button, and that email it will be sent to the recipient's mail box as if it were a normal email, what you sent can do this?


I cant even convert your comment to answer, i don't know what i do wrong....

Yes It can do.
It will send an email to the email address of the partners; each partner in your odoo should have an email address. but you should have an outgoing email server that handle the process from odoo to the outside.

To configure an outgoing email server, there are a lot of ways. I've tried only one which I will show you below, but I think this isn't the perfect way to do it. when you figure better ways I hope you share it here.

First you need to have an outlook email, if you don't you can create one at
Second change the setting in your aoutlook account to 'Let Devices and Apps Use POP'. You will find the option in Settings>Mail>Sync email
then update your account on odoo by setting this outlook email as your email; so that you will use it to send emails to the others

And Here is (on odoo) how I set the outgoing email server using outlook email
To configure an outgoing email server go to Settings>General Settings>Custom Email Servers>Outgoing Email Servers
create new and fill the form as:

Authenticate with: Username
Connection Encryption: TLS (STARTTLS)
SMTP Server:
SMTP Port: 587
Username: <Your outlook email>
Password: <Your outlook email password>

leave the rest as it's


Tried do to what you send me in github and keep giving me this error - > "TypeError: fields_get() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were give"

I think you missed the ** when you tried to call the super method
def fields_get(self, **kwargs):
result = super().fields_get(**kwargs)

by the way it allowed me to post an answer
It looks like, it prefer code more than text :)

If have find it convenient you can email me at

If you find it convenient you can email me at

hello, I am working into something and just stumbled on the same error as the one you mentioned, it is possible we are working into different versions of odoo. so I did minor change to the code, and also don't hesitate to post whatever error you may get, I already tested the code.

Best Answer

from odoo import api, fields, models

class EmailDemo(models.Model):
_name = ''
_inherit = ['mail.thread']
_description = "Email Demo"

res_partner_1 = fields.Boolean(string="Partner 1")
res_partner_2 = fields.Boolean(string="Partner 2")
res_partner_3 = fields.Boolean(string="Partner 3")
res_partner_4 = fields.Boolean(string="Partner 4")

def receivers_selection_map(self):
# These partners are already in the system from demo data,
# You should check they exists in your system,
# Or you can replace them by others
return {'res_partner_1': self.env.ref('base.res_partner_1'),
'res_partner_2': self.env.ref('base.res_partner_2'),
'res_partner_3': self.env.ref('base.res_partner_3'),
'res_partner_4': self.env.ref('practice.practice_partner_1')}

def action_send_mail(self):
selected_partners = [ for k, p in self.receivers_selection_map.items() if self[k]]
self.message_post(body='Hello, From the email demo.
Email Demo body'
subject='email demo subject', partner_ids=selected_partners)

# To display the fields by partner names in the form
def fields_get(self, allfields=None, attributes=None):
result = super().fields_get(allfields=allfields, attributes=attributes)
for k in self.receivers_selection_map:
result[k]['string'] = self.receivers_selection_map[k].display_name
return result


I do a copy and past so everything is equals but, i change the res_partners, i put only one to be more easier to me but give me that error, i don't understant the "res_partner" very well, and i don't know what to put in "base.res_partner_1", can you explain that two things to me pls?

You can consider partners as users; any user is a partner but not vice versa. Other things can be partners as addresses.
"base.res_partner_1" is an external id for a partner. It may not be in your system. You can check if it exists or not by going to Settings>Technical>Sequences & Identifiers>External Identifiers. There will be a lot of them you can filter by model name(res.partner).

About the fields_get method, it is actually from odoo.models.Model, you can go to the file odoo.models and find its exact signature and use it, mine is like this:
def fields_get(self, allfields=None, attributes=None):

so the new demo method will be like:

def fields_get(self, allfields=None, attributes=None):
result = super().fields_get(allfields, attributes)
for k in self.receivers_selection_map:
result[k]['string'] = self.receivers_selection_map[k].display_name
return result

this simple user-partner structure may be of some help:
This is how most of the external identifiers come to exist


It works, thanks a lot!
Have a nice day!

It's my pleasure

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