Good day. I am developing a module that connects me with the quotes of the sales module
and I do it through a One2meny field and because this field allows me to create
new records but I don't know how to send data that I already have in the initial
model to the sale.order model and thus avoid repeating information that I already
have on hand to be exact the partner_id bonnet. I appreciate if you know how to do it, you can guide me. I'm driving odoo 14 and I have the code like this
page string="Relacion de cobro / Cotizacion" name="collection_relationship"
field name="ventas_fsm" widget="many2many" nolabel="1"
tree editable="bottom"
field name="name"
field name="amount_total"
field name="state"
ventas_fsm = fields.One2many('sale.order', 'fsm_id')