Once an account movement was confirmed, there is no way to change currency´s decimal precision in Odoo 15.
Currencies precision is set to 4 decimals, which is right, however, I need to show in the views just 2 decimals.
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Once an account movement was confirmed, there is no way to change currency´s decimal precision in Odoo 15.
Currencies precision is set to 4 decimals, which is right, however, I need to show in the views just 2 decimals.
Dear Jose,
First, you need to activate the developer mode and goto invoicing menu -> configurations -> settings and click on the company currency external link, there you need to modify the Rounding Factor field value.
Thanks, however for Odoo 15 Enterprise there is not possible, a message is showed when I trayed to change it.
The message indicated that change is not possible due to already exist account entries.
set currency precision to 4, but price to 2
I already did, but is not working, currencies still showing with 4 decimals
price 2? showing there?
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