i login threw the new use id and password, example as demo and demo but when i login its not showing the my module which i create in addon_custom so i want know how can i set a group for that so can see the view looks like when i work as admin ,
i created security file ,ir.access.csv file,xml for that which is given below which one of my module student
ir.access.csv :-
demo_admin, student.student,model_studnet_student,student.group_demo,1,1,1,1
demo_group.xml :-
<record id="group_demo" model="res.groups">
<field name="name">Personalize student mgmt</field>
<field name="implied_ids" eval="[(4, ref('base.group_user'))]"/>
<field name="comment">demo_student</field>
so now tell me what chnages i shoud do becuse when i give the group attr to the one of the menu of student_student model is showing external id not found so please explain the what changes i have to do in csv,xml and group attrs value
thank you in advance
Group and Access Rights in Odoo: https://goo.gl/4jAhtH