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8 Replies

In Odoo v10 how doe I search to establish which of my products contain a particular component?


Hi, can you make the question some more clear ? are you looking to customize search view based on some values in the field ?


I want to find out which of my 1,000 products contain a particular component that is being discontinued. I want to render that component inactive in my db.

what you meant by component ?


I can not be more clear than the dictionary definition "a part that combines with other parts to form something bigger"

what i meant is that, is the component you are referring is BOM or not ? I thought you are a developer, sorry for misunderstanding you . Normally techies use technical terms here. To know the meaning of component i don't need your help. Its your need to get a solution not mine. And please be honest and polite in forum.



The component in question is already in many BoMs - I just need to know how to find out which products use that component. Is there any way to search for all products that contain the component in question?

Wonderful - thank you

Also you can check the following module, this will show a smart button in the product form , which will list out the list of product in which this product is used as component.

Best Answer

You can try like this ,

# let xx be the id of the component to search
product_list = [] # list to pass the product having xx as the component
mrp_bom_rec = self.env[''].search([])
for rec in mrp_bom_rec:
bom_line = self.env[''].search([('bom_id', '=',])
for line in bom_line:
if line.product_id == xx:
# product_list will return the list of products contains the xx component
