Need Help, In Python Code of my scheduled action, I am calling a simple method but it is not running as I want it to.
This is my code.
Scheduled Action Python Code:
model.my_method ()
My Model Python Code:
from odoo import fields, models, api, _
from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError
class MyNewModel (models.Model):
_name = "my.newmodel"
_description = "My New Model"
@ api.model
def my_method (self):
raise ValidationError (_ ('Code IS Working'))
raise ValidationError (_ ('Code IS NOT Working'))
When I manually run the scheduled action, this always gives me a ValidationError pop-up "Code IS NOT Working" instead of "Code IS Working". If I remove try except from my_method () and then manually run the scheduled action then I don't receive any error and nothing happens. Any idea why this is happening? Also one more thing, where can I view error logs in oddo which might occur after running this code?
Note: I can assure you that there are no indentation or spelling or extra space mistakes in my code.