Hi all,
I have created a schedule action in odoo like this:
record id="ir_cron_get_cv" model="ir.cron">
field name="name">Auto Get CV
field name="model_id" ref="model_hr_recruitment"/>
field name="state">code
field name="code">model.download()
field name="interval_number">1
field name="interval_type">weeks
field name="numbercall">-1
And it runs correctly in week time but when I change it to run in every x hour or x minute. When the next execution runs correctly with UTC timezone, the next execution change to my timezone GMT+7.
Here is my case: I set the time for the Next Execution Date is 01/26/2022 08:00:00, Execute every 1hours. After schedule time run execution is change to 01/26/2022 16:00:00(my expected is 01/26/2022 09:00:00).
So what is the problem here? Schedule user is OdooBot.
Thank you!