I've printed some barcodes in Code128 and tried to scan them with the normal Search Field and it worked normally at first.
Then I discovered that it wroks 3/4 times correctly and the rest are incomplete.
for example: I've sale order with name: SO000001 but when I scan it, I get only SO00000 and sometimes SO00 which is not accurate or complete.
I tried to put window.setTimout() in addons/web/static/src/js/search.js line 2393 (where the tab key triggered) but nothing had been changed!
BTW, when I try the scanner in plain text editor or terminal, it sends signal correctly every time with the tab key. I don't know why the tab key triggered without the full search statement.
Update: I have put console.log(self.get_search_string()) in TAB event and ENTER event before self.select_item(ev) and I found that get_search_string() retruns the correct and complete string and though that select_item(ev) happens after the console.log but it uses the incomplete version of get_search_string()!
For some reason it doesn't work in normal search field, got the same problem, but in PoS no problem at all. Woks just fine.
Yes, I've noticed that. but we need to scan barcodes from sale and purchase orders because we need to speed up the warehouse movement in our company. we can't use the POS interface nor the Warehouse interface for those objects.