Hello the community!
I have 3 different developers working on 3 different and complex projects.
They pushed their code 2 hours ago (8PM NY Time) on development and all the builds are failed with the same error:
07/31/2018 20:57:39ERRORserverERROR07/31/2018 20:58:06ERRORserverERROR: test_aged_report (odoo.addons.account.tests.test_reconciliation.TestReconciliation)07/31/2018 20:58:06ERRORserverTraceback (most recent call last):07/31/2018 20:58:06ERRORserver` File "/home/odoo/src/odoo/addons/account/tests/test_reconciliation.py", line 805, in test_aged_report07/31/2018 20:58:06ERRORserver` self.assertFalse(amls.get(partner.id, False), 'The aged receivable should not have amls either')07/31/2018 20:58:06ERRORserver` AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'get'07/31/2018 20:58:06ERRORserverFAILED07/31/2018 20:58:06ERRORserverModule account: 0 failures, 1 errors
Since those 3 projects are really different and don't use the same modules, and since they didn't work on Accounting at all, I assume this is coming from Odoo?
Also if I merge the dev branch with my staging or if I create a new branch from the dev branch, the build is successful.
When connecting to the dev VM, everything seems to work fine.
Does anyone experienced the same issue? Is there any way to fix it?
Thank you very much,