I am trying to format the middle data row set where it lists date, sales person, etc on v13 Sales Order / Quote report. On v10 it used class="col-xs-3" on the end instead of class="col-auto mw-100 mb-2" in v13 and it auto spaced the line equally across the row. Obviously just tried popping v10 values but it doesn't work correctly.
Also, I included commitment_date into the table but the time is showing up. How to I hide the time on the reports?
<div class="row mt32 mb32" id="informations">
<div t-if="doc.client_order_ref" class="col-auto mw-100 mb-2">
<strong>Your Reference:</strong>
<p class="m-0" t-field="doc.client_order_ref"/>
<div t-if="doc.date_order" class="col-auto mw-100 mb-2">
<strong>Order Date:</strong>
<p class="m-0" t-field="doc.date_order"/>
<div t-if="doc.date_order and doc.state in ['draft','sent']" class="col-auto mw-100 mb-2">
<strong>Quotation Date:</strong>
<p class="m-0" t-field="doc.date_order" t-options="{"widget": "date"}"/>
<div t-if="doc.validity_date and doc.state in ['draft', 'sent']" name="expiration_date" class="col-auto mw-100 mb-2">
<p class="m-0" t-field="doc.validity_date"/>
<div t-if="doc.commitment_date and doc.state not in ['draft','sent']" class="col-auto mw-100 mb-2">
<strong>Ship Date:</strong>
<p class="m-0" t-field="doc.commitment_date"/>
<div t-if="doc.user_id.name" class="col-auto mw-100 mb-2">
<p class="m-0" t-field="doc.user_id"/>
<div class="col-auto mw-100 mb-2">
<strong><span t-if="doc.state not in ['draft','sent']">Order: </span>
<span t-if="doc.state in ['draft','sent']">Quotation: </span></strong>
<p class="m-0" t-field="doc.name"/>
Please do not mix questions.