I am in the process of phase in of a small odoo-8 installation. For everyday work it would be necessary to have the clients Reference/Description (Referenz / Beschreibung) as a column in the list view (sales), as many orders are processed from a small number of clients. That said, most dates other than the requested delivery date (Date Requested / Datum der Anfrage (poor Translation, better: gewünschtes Lieferdatum)) are useless as the client refers usually to his PO-Reference and the planned delivery date.
As well this will be helpful as the client accesses the web-frontent...
I looked up documentation, but could not find the spot. My feeling is to look for the model sale.order, but I only can find
settings -> reports -> reoprts -> what seems to be not helpful for the task...
Thank you for your tipps.
Could sombody experienced