Hi !
In Odoo 13 I have added a button to each sales order line to "deliver" the service sold (it writes 1 to qty_delivered field).
The problem is that each time I press this button, the form reloads after the modification, so in sale orders that have a lot of lines, each time I press this button, I spend a lot of time scrolling down to find the next line to deliver.
Is there a way to prevent the refresh/reload of the form so I stay on the line where I press the button ?
Thank you !
Please post your custom code.
Hi Sudhir, did you had the chance to review the code I have posted ?
Thank you !
Hi all !
I am blocked here, I have tried the following with no success, the form keeps reloading and going all the way up:
Removing "for line in self"
self.update({'qty_delivered' : self.product_uom_qty})
self.write({'qty_delivered' : self.product_uom_qty})
self.update({'qty_delivered' : self.product_uom_qty})
line['qty_delivered'] : self.product_uom_qty
Please help me !
Thank you !