I am using Odoo 11 (Bitnami VM stack on my own VM server) and experiencing now the following problem (to be clear, this worked before and I have no idea what may caused it now to not work anymore).
I can not send anymore the sales confirmation per email in any other different language than English.
Languages are loaded and active. The template shows that the language ID of the customer is supposed to be used. The action to generate the email is executed too and shows up for review before sending in the correct language as setup for the specific customer, but as soon as I want to send the email clicking the button "send" the following error shows up e.g. for the German language. When customers are set for use with English language everything works fine:
Fehler beim Erstellen der Vorlage <Template memory:7fc77113fba8> mit den Werten {'format_date': <function MailTemplate.render_template.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x7fc771633e18>, 'format_tz': <function MailTemplate.render_template.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x7fc771633048>, 'format_amount': <function MailTemplate.render_template.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x7fc771633598>, 'user': res.users(1,), 'ctx': {'lang': 'de_DE', 'tz': 'Europe/Berlin', 'uid': 1, 'params': {'action': 368}, 'active_model': 'sale.order', 'active_id': 238, 'active_ids': [238], 'default_model': 'sale.order', 'default_res_id': 238, 'default_use_template': True, 'default_template_id': 17, 'default_composition_mode': 'comment', 'mark_so_as_sent': True, 'custom_layout': 'sale.mail_template_data_notification_email_sale_order', 'proforma': False, 'force_email': True, 'search_disable_custom_filters': True, 'mail_post_autofollow': True, 'mail_notify_user_signature': False, 'mail_auto_delete': True, 'signature': False, 'website_url': 'http://www.halbeck.com', 'company': res.company(1,), 'company_name': 'POSYS Motion Control GmbH & Co.KG', 'model_name': 'Angebot', 'record': sale.order(238,), 'record_name': 'SO238', 'tracking': [], 'is_discussion': True, 'subtype': mail.message.subtype(1,), 'has_button_access': False, 'has_button_follow': False, 'has_button_unfollow': False, 'button_access': {'url': '/mail/view?message_id=7834', 'title': 'Angebot ansehen'}, 'button_follow': {'url': '/mail/follow?model=sale.order&res_id=238&token=a59dde3e322dcc351b19db42447231bc93144830', 'title': 'Abonnieren'}, 'button_unfollow': {'url': '/mail/unfollow?model=sale.order&res_id=238&token=59cdaff86149cd7acbb95b4854731bbef57b16d3', 'title': 'Nicht mehr abonnieren'}, 'actions': [], 'followers': res.partner(119,), 'not_followers': res.partner(), 'safe': False}, 'object': mail.message(7834,)}
Switching the customer for use with English language helps solve the problem, but I would rather use German (as it worked before for German customers) for my German speaking customers and English for all others.
Unfortunately I am not a programmer, therrefore I have no idea what the message really means. I hope someone can point me to the correct solution.
Thanks in advance,