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I need to forbid the user from confirming a sales order (action occurred when clicking on confirm sale button: Sales-> Sales Order-> choose an order). So I override the action that confirm the Sales, and add a condition which raise a validation Error, so the super wont be called in case an invalid condition(e.g. order line with product without names).
But the issue occured in S.O. - Edit mode and  when clicking on confirm SO an insert to the database(insert in sale_order_line) is executed before executing the following overwritten function.

//the inherited class
class sales_warning(models.Model):
    _inherit = "sale.order"
def action_button_confirm(self):
    print "begin overwritten action_button_confirm()"
              raise ValidationError("You cannot confirm a S.O...")
    res = super(sales_warning, self).action_button_confirm()       
return res
Logs showing the write operation before invoking the overwritten function:
crm werkzeug: .. "POST /web/dataset/call_kw/sale.order/write HTTP/1.1" 200 begin overwritten action_button_confirm()

Question: is there a way to add a constraint the will be launched before any other action such as the write above?

thank you

Author Best Answer

Since the error (i.e. calling the write function when confirming the SO in edit mode) occurs only in Edit mode, note that in read only mode and when saving the SO the write wont be called (seems Odoo consider nothing to be updated in Sales order line-read only mode), so I choose to hide the confirm button in edit mode by adding oe_read_only css class to the button:

<xpath expr="//button[@name='action_button_confirm']" position="attributes">          
          <attribute name="class">oe_read_only</attribute>            

In Brief:

-SO (Sale order) in read only mode: confirm button is visible and Won't do an update (update sale_order_line) to DB once it's clicked, only the action action_button_confirm is called
-SO in Edit mode: Hide the button of confirmation in order to prevent updating the sale_order_line

Best Answer


In Odoo, when you press any button it'll invoke the write function "to save the changes" then calling the desired button's function.

So it'll depends on your requirement:

1. Overriding the writing method.

2. Add a constrains function, by adding the decorator @api.constrains to your method ... so you'll be sure that this function will be called before any CRUD operation ...

Hope this could helps ...


I tried the @constraints but it will be called on all action on SO recordset: confirm sales, save action and on duplicate So. But I need only to handle the confirm sales action, since I don't want to forbid create a SO with invalid product names, only forbid the confirm SO. Also I tried to send a param from the button to the constraints in order to handle this specific case but it I doesn't works. I couldn't find the write method it in, Seems that the write couldn't be overridden, I didnt found the function that handle it in, I found only the create(): called on first save. 10x

If I got you, you can just override the confirmation function and raise warning if some condition is true, then the record will be saved but not going to be confirmed. Also you can use @api.onchange to raise some warnings or set values to null if you'd like to validate the user input ...

Also the create function will be called when the record is new; the write function will be called when the record is to update. If you don't find the write function in the model it will be inherited from the parent model. You can simply override it same as the create method !


Dear Ahmad, I don't want to let user confirm SO with invalid product name I need to check them before save, and in the same time I will let them save the SO but without confirm. I will try to override the write() in the parent


Dear Ahmad, check my answer and if you find it useful click on up narrow please

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