Hi everyone! I created a JS button located in the sale order line that call a python method and opens an action as a popup.
The goal here is that the user can access to that button and do something, the very next moment it clicks on "Add a Line" on a Sale Order.
The issue I'm having is that inside the python method, the sale order line is not created yet and therefore anything I do afterwards is useless.
How can I make sure that when I click the JS button, my Sale Order Line get created before?
This is the event and the call of the js function:
events:_.extend({}, Widget.prototype.events,{'click':'_openBudgetSplit',}),
* @private
* @param{MouseEvent}event
* @returns{Promise} action loaded
async_openBudgetSplit(ev) {
this.$el.find('.fa-percent').prop('special_click', true);
var action = awaitthis._rpc({
args: [[this.model.data.id], this.product_id, [this.product]] });
return this.do_action(action);
Thanks a lot in advance :)