Hi, I'm evaluating Odoo, and am attempting to connect via XMLRPC to a demo instance. I am following the information on the Exernal API page, https://www.odoo.com/documentation/12.0/webservices/odoo.html. The following returns a Fatal Error : Fatal error: Uncaught Ripcord_TransportException: Could not access https://demo.odoo.com/start. It seems the listed url does not exist (https://demo.odoo.com/start)
PHP Syntax:
$info = ripcord::client('https://demo.odoo.com/start')->start();
I then attempted to access my own demo instance:
$common = ripcord::client("https://MYID.odoo.com/xmlrpc/2/common");
And this yielded the same fatal error.
I made sure that the passwords were correct, and reset to allow for local connections, as stated by the documentation.
Am I missing something?