Hello there,
I have tried several options to get it done.. But failed each time on the js function.
_inherit = 'pos.order'
qr = fields.Char(string="QR")
Later i wanted to fetch this fields and return from the receipt dictionary so that i can print this on pos receipt, like receipt.qr
For the js function i wrote like this,
var b = this.get_name()
var domain = [['pos_reference', '=', b]];
var model = 'pos.order';
// Use an empty array to read all the fields of the records
var fields = [];
var qr = '';
var df = function () {
model: model,
method: 'search_read',
args: [domain, fields],
}).then(function (data) {
receipt.qr = data[0].qr
This, add the 'qr' key and the value in the receipt dicctionary, but i cant find it on the templates by receipt.qr. May be because of the Promise function and await issue.
The receipt dictionary is this,
var receipt = {
orderlines: orderlines,
paymentlines: paymentlines,
subtotal: this.get_subtotal(),
total_with_tax: this.get_total_with_tax(),
total_rounded: this.get_total_with_tax() + this.get_rounding_applied(),
total_without_tax: this.get_total_without_tax(),
total_tax: this.get_total_tax(),
total_paid: this.get_total_paid(),
total_discount: this.get_total_discount(),
rounding_applied: this.get_rounding_applied(),
tax_details: this.get_tax_details(),
change: this.locked ? this.amount_return : this.get_change(),
name: this.get_name(),
client: client ? client : null,
invoice_id: null, //TODO
cashier: cashier ? cashier.name : null,
precision: {
price: 2,
money: 2,
quantity: 3,
date: {
year: date.getFullYear(),
month: date.getMonth(),
date: date.getDate(), // day of the month
day: date.getDay(), // day of the week
hour: date.getHours(),
minute: date.getMinutes(),
isostring: date.toISOString(),
localestring: this.formatted_validation_date,
company: {
email: company.email,
website: company.website,
company_registry: company.company_registry,
contact_address: company.partner_id[1],
vat: company.vat,
vat_label: company.country && company.country.vat_label || _t('Tax ID'),
name: company.name,
phone: company.phone,
logo: this.pos.company_logo_base64,
currency: this.pos.currency,
if (is_html(this.pos.config.receipt_header)) {
receipt.header = '';
receipt.header_html = render_html(this.pos.config.receipt_header);
} else {
receipt.header = this.pos.config.receipt_header || '';
if (is_html(this.pos.config.receipt_footer)) {
receipt.footer = '';
receipt.footer_html = render_html(this.pos.config.receipt_footer);
} else {
receipt.footer = this.pos.config.receipt_footer || '';
return receipt;
Here, i want to add a new key names 'qr' and the value will be the return from the rpc.query that i have the domain for current order name and based on that i want to take the 'qr' of this order.
PLease if anybody can guide or help, then it will be very helpful for me. Thanks