Hello Odoo community. How is it possible to hide the contacts that are not assigned to a salesperson? I tried to create a Record Rule and I have disabled others so that only their contacts can be seen.
- ['|', ('type', '!=', 'private'), ('type', '=', False), ('user_id', '=', user.id)] as Record Rule for Sales/User: Own Documents Only group in order to display only their contacts.
- I use [(1,'=',1)] as Domain Filter for Sale /User: All Documents group so that administrators could see all contacts.
- res.partner.rule.private.employee and res.partner.rule.private.group in order to hide all the contacts that are not of their own.
- I also had to assign to their Contact their own Salesperson so they could log into our system.
So... what is the problem? All users in the Sales/User: Own Documents Only group cannot see the Notes, Messages and Attachments in the Contacts assigned to them.
Could anybody help me with this?
I'm using v14 Online.