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i see one solution to my problem but  dosen't work.maybe i have mistake to do this.

1st : deactive "res.partner.rule.private.employee"

2 : in record rule Create Own contacts By ['|', ('type', '!=', 'private'), ('type', '=', False), ('user_id', '=',] domain and sale/user : own... group

3 : in record rule Create All contact By [(1,'=',1)] and sale/user :All doc.. group

if u can help me to solve my problem

i need to sale's user couldn't access or see any contact from purchase's user and as same as for purchase's user from sale's user

Author Best Answer

I found this solution for my problem ,this work for me,i copy below 

step 1: go to developer mode 

step2:in "users and companies" menu open groups and create one group in same name:"Administration / sales own contact " and add your custom sales users to this group and create one rule by "custom name" and this text rule "['|',('user_id','=',,('user_id','=',False)]" and add your custom sale user to this group.

step3:in "users and companies" menu create new group of all users and add "res.partner.rule.private.employee" to this group. attention to that ,you must add all internal users to this group without sale user. 

step 4:in technical menu open records rule and search for this "res.partner.rule.private.employee" and remove "User types/internal user" group from groups you must have only one new rule by "custom name" that created in step 2.
