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17 Replies

I have been trying to customize my Sales Order numbers to contain information about the date, and was able to do so by going to Settings: Technical -> Sequences & Identifiers -> Sequences and change the prefix for Sales Order to 'SO%(y)s%(month)s%(day)s'. This gives me close to what I want. An order placed today would read as SO140618xxx, where xxx is the padding. That padding number is incremented sequentially, however. So if I genereated SO140618005 today, tomorrow it would generate SO140619006. Is there any way to get OpenERP to reset that padding number daily? I would much prefer it to be sequenced individually by day. Would I have to change this via a custom module? Thanks!

Edit: Since the code in my comment looked herrible, I am posting it again here:


class reset_serial(osv.osv):

    _name ="reset.serial"


    def sales_number_update(self, cr, uid, ids=None, context=None):

        sequence_obj = self.pool.get('ir.sequence')

        seq_id =, uid, [('code', '=', 'sale.order')])

        if seq_id:

            value = sequence_obj.browse(cr, uid, seq_id[0])

            number_next = value.number_next

            sequence_obj.write(cr, uid, seq_id, {'number_next': 1})

        return None


prakash - I got this code running and it works pretty well. The problem is that it doens't reset the seiral, it adds another digit to it. So if I entered SO140619006, running the sequencer would give SO1406191001. I tried modifying your code a bit, changing: sequence_obj.write(cr, uid, seq_id, {'number_next': number_next+1000}) to sequence_obj.write(cr, uid, seq_id, {'number_next': 0}) but that didn't work either. Are the serial numbers inherintly tied to the Sales Order that first used them? That is the impression I am getting now. Anybody know? Thanks!

In your examples taken last four digit 8005 so in the code updated with 8005 + 1000 = 90006. Try the code sequence_obj.write(cr, uid, seq_id, {'number_next': 1})

To set next number everyday update the number_next is 1. I updated in the code please check the same.

sequence_obj.write(cr, uid, seq_id, {'number_next': 1}) is working tested. In openepr default sequence next value start with 1. If set to 0 its shows the DataError: RESTART value (0) cannot be less than MINVALUE (1)


Ah I see where you got confused there, the format is SOyymmddxxx, with xxx being the serial. It incremented from 8 to 9 because of the date change. For whatever reason when I use your code 'sequence_obj.write(cr, uid, seq_id, {'number_next': 1} it sets my next number to 1001. Any idea why that might be? This is how my code currently looks: class reset_serial(osv.osv): _name ="reset.serial" def sales_number_update(self, cr, uid, ids=None, context=None): sequence_obj = self.pool.get('ir.sequence') seq_id =, uid, [('code', '=', 'sale.order')]) if seq_id: value = sequence_obj.browse(cr, uid, seq_id[0]) number_next = value.number_next sequence_obj.write(cr, uid, seq_id, {'number_next': 1}) return None


I edited my original post with the code, since it is hard to read in this comment. Thanks for your help prakash! This is really bugging me, I have tried so many variations at this point.

I updated my answer with example please check the same. I think in your example Day1 SO140618005 Day2 SO140619006 no need to set scheduler it already increment by one number.


Turns out the issue was totally unrelated - somehow another instance of openerp-server was running and messing up my module updates. Thank you so much for your help, it's working now.

Best Answer

You can use Scheduler based on your requirement

In the Menu Settings->Technical->Scheduler->Scheduled Actions

Create New scheduler with below details:-

Name: Sale Order scheduler

Active: True

Interval Number: 1

Interval Units: Days

In the Technical Data Tab :


Method: sales_number_update

Arguments: ()

In the custom module python file add below code,

class custom_model_name(osv.osv):
    _name =""
    def sales_number_update(self, cr, uid, ids=None, context=None):
        sequence_obj = self.pool.get('ir.sequence')
        seq_id =, uid, [('code', '=', 'sale.order')])         
        if seq_id:
            value = sequence_obj.browse(cr, uid, seq_id[0])
            number_next = value.number_next
            sequence_obj.write(cr, uid, seq_id, {'number_next': 1})
        return None

The above code Sequence Number will geneartes:-

Let us assume

Day 1                               Day 2                            Day 3

4 Sale Order Created        2 Sale Order Created       3 Sale Order Created

SO140624001                  SO140625001                 SO140626001

SO140624002                  SO140625002                 SO140626002

SO140624003                                                        SO140626003




prakash - I got this code running and it works pretty well. The problem is that it doens't reset the seiral, it adds another digit to it. So if I entered SO140619006, running the sequencer would give SO1406191001. I tried modifying your code a bit, changing: sequence_obj.write(cr, uid, seq_id, {'number_next': number_next+1000}) to sequence_obj.write(cr, uid, seq_id, {'number_next': 0}) but that didn't work either. Are the serial numbers inherintly tied to the Sales Order that first used them? That is the impression I am getting now.


For whatever reason even after entering this code exactly as you did, it iterated to 1001 instead of 1. Any idea what might be causing this? Is there some other setting I might want to check? Thanks again for all your help, I really appreciate it.


Turns out the issue was totally unrelated - somehow another instance of openerp-server was running and messing up my module updates. Thank you so much for your help, it's working now.

My pleasure

Best Answer

You can add some extra column in ir.sequence, say current_date.

Then override function which calculate next id, so that it will compare actual current date and data in current_date column. If it differs, then reset "padding". 

Best Answer

Tried to implement this in Odoo 11 but with no success.
As i see - the scheduller is looking different too. So the steps that should be taken are different too?

Author Best Answer

prakash - I got this code running and it works pretty well. The problem is that it doens't reset the seiral, it adds another digit to it. So if I entered SO140619006, running the sequencer would give SO1406191001. I tried modifying your code a bit, changing: sequence_obj.write(cr, uid, seq_id, {'number_next': number_next+1000}) to sequence_obj.write(cr, uid, seq_id, {'number_next': 0}) but that didn't work either. Are the serial numbers inherintly tied to the Sales Order that first used them? That is the impression I am getting now. Anybody know? Thanks!


sequence_obj.write(cr, uid, seq_id, {'number_next': 1}) is working tested. In openepr default sequence next value start with 1. If set to 0 its shows the DataError: RESTART value (0) cannot be less than MINVALUE (1)