Hello , i have a problem with a report_saleorder_document.
When I take a discount I have a price strike and the new price under this price.
But my problem when I don't have a discount I have a same price strike
<t t-if="not line.display_type">
<td name="td_name"><span t-field="line.name"/></td>
<td name="td_quantity" class="text-right">
<span t-field="line.product_uom_qty"/>
<span t-field="line.product_uom" groups="uom.group_uom"/>
<td name="td_priceunit" class="text-right">
<strike t-if="line.price_reduce_taxinc" ><span t-field="line.price_unit"/></strike>
<t t-if="line.price_reduce_taxinc==false" ><span t-field="line.price_unit"/></t>
<span t-if="line.price_reduce_taxinc" style="color:green" t-field="line.price_reduce_taxinc"/>
Please share the logic of "price_reduce_taxinc" field calculation. What will be the value in price_reduce_taxinc field when discount is not applied?