When I deactivate a reordering rule for a product, it disappears from all Reordering Rule lists.
I was able to make a default filter in Warehouse>Reordering Rules that shows both active and inactive rules. Along with showing an "Active" column and checkbox for each rule.
The "Active" column carries over but the filter does not carry over when I use the [Reordering Rules] button from the product view.
I have searched for a long time for an answer to this issue, and tried many things but only able to make them work per product. Could someone tell me how I would add a filter that would cover all products reordering rules?
Below is the closest I have come to a working solution. Is there a variable for product_id I can use? Replace 8 with Variable(id of current product). I am new to odoo and still learning the structure. Maybe I am going about it all wrong also.